Shoulder Pain

During this season of viral infections, I have noticed an increase in the number of patients attending my massage practice in Ely, Cambs with radiating pain in the shoulder. This is often located behind the scapula and into the shoulder where it is felt as a constant, deep ache. The pain will often extend down the back of the arm to the elbow, occasionally even affecting the little finger. It is associated with the coughing attacks triggered by a virus and originates in the serratus posterior superior a muscle deep to the shoulder blade, involved in the mechanism of breathing. Lifting something with the arms stretched out to the front can cause an increase in the pain.

If you have the symptoms of shoulder pain described, massage can give you enormous relief, you may very well have a trigger point exacerbated by the repetitive act of coughing and deep soft tissue release can dissipate this trigger point.  See your massage therapist as soon as possible and you can find me at the Complementary Health Centre in Ely Cambs.


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